Geotagging uses GPS technology to trace back to the exact place where a photo or a message or any type of social media was taken. It allows you to go back through old items that are saved to a phone or a camera and trace back to the location in which they were created.
In this article I found called Travel Tech: A Traveler’s guide to Geotagging by Shawn Low you learn the benefits and problems to retagging.
If you are ever going though your phone and drawing a blank as to where you were when you took a certain photo, geotagging can help you go back and find where it was taken. It is also a helpful way to organize your photos so that in the future when you are searching for a specific image you can simply go back and search the location and find what you are looking for.
Many businesses have begun using geotracking in their store to generate conversation about their business. If people can share images and check i

The main issue with geotracking is that it is a very easy way to attract a stalker. By submitting anything and everything you do to the internet and allowing others to see where you are at all hours of the day then it is easy for others to stalk your life.
The concept is still fairly new and many people are not even aware of its existence. In the future we will most likely see many new changes.
"Geotagging is the term given to the adding of geographical metadata to photos, videos, tweets, websites and other media. This ' metadata ' can include longitude and latitude, and other attributes such as altitude." (Web 2.0 for Rookies: Geotagging)
"You can geotag photos, which is a fancy way of saying that you can embed geographical metadata into your digital photos."
Many people don't understand the implications of using Geotagging. It is a very new technology that has not been fully explored. It seems like such a simple concept but by allowing followers to view your every move you can set yourself up for stalkers.