My name is Annie Grace Jackson, I'm a Public Relations major at Utah State University with a minor in FCHD (random combination, I know, but I love both subjects.)
I absolutely love blogging, check out my personal blog here.
I have spent my whole life dancing and there is nothing I love to do more. My studies in ballet, jazz, lyrical, pointe and hip-hop have allowed me to travel the world and preform.
The number one thing on my bucket list is to travel the world. I am obsessed with traveling. I spent last year living in England and I was fortunate enough to travel all over Europe. As soon as I graduate I hope to see as much of the world that I can.
If you want to know more here are some fun facts about me:
1. Pink is the best color in the world. Then green and blue are tied.
2. I hate birds. They scare me and they make me want to vom. (Vom is a word. It’s short for vomit but cooler and less gross.)
3. When I was little I told everyone that they had to call me Annie Grace and not just Annie. And special people were allowed to call me Gracie.
4. I love to dance. ALL the time, even if it is just alone in my room.
5. I LOVE love. I can never watch too many chick flicks or read too many love stories. Yep, and silly as it sounds, I’m a hopeless romantic. Who knows why? Maybe my parents loved me too much as a child. Ha but what’s wrong with that??
6. I feel more at home, when I’m not home (meaning in Utah) I just know I don’t belong here.
7. I can not go a week without One Tree Hill in my life.
8. Green olives are my very FAVORITE food.
9. I’m always better at school then I think I am.
10. I have the worlds MOST sensitive stomach. I almost always feel sick. A bit strange considering I’m the daughter of a doctor right?
11. I am ADDICTED to taking pictures. & I love everything that goes along with them, editing, scrap booking, slide shows, blogging, you name it.
12. I am EXTREMELY sentimental.
13. The characters off FRIENDS are my friends.
14. I wish summer lasted all year long.
15. If I could do one thing everyday for the rest of my life, it would be to travel.
16. Choosing to study abroad was the best decision I ever made.
17. The number one thing I would change about myself would be NO more nail biting. I have tried. It’s not possible.
18. I wish every day that I went to Hogwarts (sorry USU).
19. I’m a true Gemini in that I have 2 personalities. I can be SUPER quiet and shy and I can also be out of control crazy!
20. I’m secretly very opinionated.
21. I wish I was a princess.
22. I have 2 fake teeth,. Yep, the two very front ones.
23. Whenever I introduce myself I say, “My name is Annie, like the orphan.” And surprisingly, a lot of people don’t know what I’m talking about.
24. I like TV shows more than movies. (especially OTH, Grey’s Anatomy & GG.) And I call everything “shows” no matter what type of media it is.
25. I’m really good at popping my gum and making dolphin noises (even though most people hate me for it).
26. I am a night owl. No matter how tired I am I never go to bed before 1.
27. I’m NOT competitive. And if you really want to beat me at something I will probably let you win.
28. I could eat pizza and sushi all day, everyday. (and Spoon Me).
29. I really love musicals. Always have, always will.
30. My favorite holiday is valentines day. The sweetest day of the year.
31. I have been to 12 different countries. And 11 of them were in the last year.
32. I have danced in some AMAZING places including New York City, L.A. Disneyworld, and Las Vegas.
33. I have been on the chunnel. (It’s an under ground tunnel that takes you from England to France.) Crazy right?
34. While I was in Greece I rode on a donkey.
35. I am a true Aggie & Ultimate Aggie! Ha ha be proud!
36. I have been to the very spot where JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
37. I was able to visit the Vatican over Easter weekend.
38. I want to be an event planner when I grow up.. aka next year! SCARY right?
39. I love to knit. If you want a scarf I will make you one.
40. I live in an awesome house with the best roommates in the world.
41. I STILL sleep with my teddy bear. Judge me.
42. I have a huge sweet tooth.
43. I can't wait to be 21!!!!
43. Three is a magic number. Just like the song says. I love the number 3.
44. I'm a crafty person. I just have the itch to create. I spend a good amount of my free time making things and if you can't find me, try looking at Hobby Lobby. I love walking around the store getting new ideas.
45. I like weddings. A LOT. Maybe it's because everyone I know is getting married. They are just so much fun.