
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Online Reputation

TO: Kandace Reader

FROM: Annie Jackson

DATE: November 20, 2011

SUBJECT: Online Reputation

Dear Ms. Reader,

After reviewing your application I am pleased to inform you that you are being reviewed by our communications team to be brought on as a social media director. This is a very important aspect of our public relations department. Before submitting your application to the board however, I would like to make a few suggestions.
As the social media director of our company it is very important that you have a diverse knowledge of many social media outlets. I have been able to see that you have accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Your Facebook seems to be well used but your Twitter was only created in September and you have only posted a total of 28 tweets in that time. Please show us that you have skills on other sites such as Blogger, Stumble Upon, and Google Plus. We would also like to see more activity on your Twitter account.
Your Facebook allowed me to find out that you was born on August 19, 1990, you are a student at Utah State University, you work at El Sol and you are currently in a relationship. You are taking part in the Occupy Logan movement which means you are most likely interested in politics to some degree. This could cause a problem with our company. We like to remain very neutral when it come to politics so that we can represent a variety of clients without causing any conflict.
After going through your boards on Pinterest I have found that you love tattoos and have a board for pinning new ideas. As far as your career is involved I would like to remind you that we are always dressed in a conservative fashion and all tattoos bust be covered while you are at work. Other than that, I think many of your pins were great.
When Googling your name I was able to see that you had reserved a study room in the Merrill-Cazier Library on November 13th for 120 minutes. This shows me that you are a dedicated student. I’m sure that your discipline in your studies will transfer over into your career and be a benefit to our company.
Once again, thank you for submitting your application. You should be hearing from us in regards to the position within the week.


Annie Grace Jackson

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wrigley Ad

Social Media: Legal

I just discovered a "Social Networking Law Blog" focusing on the interaction between social media and the law.
A recent post was written about a woman in New Jersey who created a fake FaceBook profile for her ex-boyfriend in order to post things to hurt his reputation. She made remarks about him having STD's, calling prostitutes and using drugs. These remarks were clearly defamatory and once she was discovered she was taken to court.
"The New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice defines the offense of impersonation/identity theft to include "impersonat[ing] another or assuming a false identity and do[ing] an act in such assumed character or false identity . . . to injure or defraud another."
She has tried to get the case dismissed in saying that there is no mention of electronic communications but the judge has decided to go forward with it.
I thought this was very interesting to read about.
Laws based on the internet are still so new that many people are unaware of the consequences that can come from abusing the privilege to use the internet.
It will be interesting to see what comes of this case.

This article, called Social Media Policies for Legal Types gives great incite into what is legally appropriate and not appropriate as far as social media goes in the business and professional world. Are professionals allowed to have a personal life on the internet?
Harvard's Law Guidelines state:
“As a general matter, you may post content freely to your blog and to those of others, so long as the content is not illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or otherwise injurious or objectionable."

There is still so much to learn and change when it comes to social media and the law. The internet is an ever-expanding social outlet that is going to continue to grow throughout our lifetimes. It will be interesting to see what comes from it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Social Media: Apps

RIM Says Sorry With Free Apps
Apps may be the greatest things to ever happen to Smart Phones. They are, without a doubt, the reason that Smart Phones are as popular as they are. Let's be honest, who doesn't love to pass the time playing "Angry Birds" or checking FaceBook from your mobile device?
A few weeks ago, when the iPhone 4S was released, some of the services of BlackBerry shut down for customers in the US, Europe, India and the middle east. To make up for their poor service, RIM is offering free apps to their customers. Some of these include:
  • The Sims 3
  • Bejeweled
  • N.O.V.A.
  • Texas Hold’em Poker 2
  • Bubble Bash 2
  • Photo Editor Ultimate
  • Pro
  • iSpeech Translator Pro
  • Drive Enterprise
  • Nobex Radio Premium
  • Shazam Encore
  • Vlingo Plus: Virtual Assistant
The free Apps don't exactly make up for the lack of cell phone service but hey, who doesn't like free stuff?

Angry Birds is one of the most popular and most well-known Apps on smart phones. All over the world people spend hours upon hours slinging birds into blocks. The idea seems silly, but if you haven't played it, I promise you will be addicted once you try.
Rovio Mobile is about to release the latest version of the game that is said to be "a whole new adventure."
If you are interested in watching a clip of the new game to get a little preview of what is to come, go to this article.

Or watch it here: